Meet Philip E. Bradshaw
A lifelong farmer in West Central Illinois producing soybeans, corn, pigs and cattle, Phil is a third-generation farmer. He is currently farming with fourth generation son Todd and fifth generation grandson Brock Willard.
Phil’s involvement with agriculture policy and promotion began at 10 years old in 4-H and continued through high school, where he served as President of his local FFA chapter. He graduated from Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Education and a minor in Business.
Phil started farming with his uncle in 1963, following six months active duty in Army Reserves. Those early farming years included feeding 400 head of cattle to market weight, farrowing and marketing 1,000 pigs a year, raising row crops — 300 acres corn, 40 acres of wheat, and 20 acres of hay. Today the Bradshaw family no longer raise cattle., but finish 10,000 pigs to market weight under contract, and in partnership with his son and grandson, produce 900 acres of corn and 600 acres of soybeans.
More details about Phil’s lifelong involvement and service to agriculture can be found in the stories and adventures contained in the book.

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